When purchasing a curved monitor, manufacturers usually list the curvature or radius of curvature of the monitor in their product specifications, such as the 1800R or 3800R. However, manufacturers only sometimes provide a more detailed explanation of these numbers and how they differ from other curvature grades, which confuses customers. 

We will be comparing 1000R vs 1800R vs 3800R in this post, plus the article also provides an overview of the different monitor curves, from aggressive too much less pronounced ones. Moreover, we’ll also learn about the advantages and disadvantages of these monitor types to better decide which users should choose them. Let’s read this post and learn!

This article explores the types of curved monitors, including 1000R, 1800R, and 3800R monitors, along with the pros and cons of each type and the ideal users for each type of monitor. In general, curved monitors can offer an immersive viewing experience, reduce eye strain, and provide better visual quality.

On the other hand, they can also be more expensive and have limited viewing angles. 1000R monitors are the most curved, while 1800R monitors strike a balance between curve and affordability, and 3800R monitors have a more subtle curve that can be ideal for productivity or multitasking.

Key Takeaways

  • The curved monitors can offer an immersive viewing experience, reduce eye strain, and provide better visual quality, but they are more expensive.
  • 1000R monitors are the most curved, while 1800R monitors strike a balance between curve and affordability.
  • The 3800R monitors have a more subtle curve ideal for productivity or multitasking.

What Is Curve Radius?

The term “curve radius” in a monitor describes the extent of curvature of the screen (or how curvy a screen is). It is measured as the radius of the circle that the screen would form if it were part of a complete circle. This measurement is usually in millimeters and represents the letter “R” following the number.

For instance, a monitor with a curve radius of 1500R implies that the screen’s curvature matches a circle with a radius of 1500 millimeters. On the other hand, a monitor with 1900R represents that the screen curvature matches a circle with a 1500 mm radius.

Most importantly, the lower the value following the “R”, the more distinct the screen’s curvature would be. In other words, a screen with a higher curvature value with ‘R’ is less curvy than one with a lesser curvature value. This is because the bigger the circle would be, the lesser the curviness of the screen.

1000R vs 1800R vs 3800R: Ultimate Differences

The main difference between 1000R, 1800R, and 3800R monitors is the degree of curvature. A 1000R monitor has a tighter curvature radius, making it more curved than a 1800R monitor, which is less curved than a 1000R. A 3800R monitor is even less curved than the other two.

In terms of suitable users, 1000R and 1800R monitors are generally preferred by gamers, as they provide a more immersive viewing experience and can reduce eye strain, making them ideal for extended gaming sessions. The curvature can also enhance visual quality, minimizing distortion and improving color accuracy across the entire screen.

However, there are also some downsides to consider. Curved monitors tend to be more expensive than flat monitors, and the viewing angle can be limited, making it difficult for multiple people to view the screen simultaneously. Some users may also need to adjust to the curved design, which can take some time to get used to.

A 3800R monitor is less curved than the other two, which may make it a more comfortable option for those who find the tighter curves of 1000R and 1800R monitors too intense. However, it may provide a different immersive viewing experience than the other two options.

In summary, choosing between a 1000R, 1800R, or 3800R monitor depends on personal preference and usage needs. Gamers may prefer the more immersive experience of 1000R and 1800R monitors, while those who want a more comfortable curvature may opt for a 3800R.

Let’s talk about each monitor type, 1000R, 1800R, and 3800R, in detail!

1000R Monitors

A 1000R monitor is a curved monitor type with a curvature radius of 1000mm, which means it has a very tight curve. This type of monitor has the curviest screen than the other two types, 1800R, and 3800R. 1000R monitors have a more pronounced curve than other monitors with larger curvature radii, such as 1800R or 3800R.

The tighter curvature is intended to provide a more immersive viewing experience by placing the viewer at the center of the screen and reducing eye strain. 1000R monitors are relatively new to the market, and they are primarily found in larger-sized monitors, such as 49 inches or more, typically used for gaming or immersive experiences.

Advantages and Disadvantages  

The following are the pros and cons of the 1000R monitors. 

Advantages of 1000R monitor

  • Immersive viewing experience: With its curved design, a 1000R monitor can provide a more immersive viewing experience, especially for gaming or watching movies.
  • Reduced eye strain: The monitor’s curvature can help reduce eye strain by offering a more natural viewing angle and minimizing the need to move your head or eyes to see different screen parts.
  • Comfortable: Some users may find the monitor’s curvature more natural and comfortable for extended use.
  • Enhanced visual quality: The monitor’s curvature can reduce distortion and improve color accuracy across the entire screen.

Disadvantages of 1000R monitor

  • Expensive: 1000R monitors are generally pricier than flat monitors, making them an impractical choice for some users.
  • Not for multiple individuals: Curved monitors may have restricted viewing angles, making it difficult for multiple individuals to view the screen simultaneously.

Ideal Users for 1000R monitor

1000R monitors are suitable for users who value an immersive viewing experience and spend a lot of time on their computers. Those include gamers, content creators, and those who enjoy watching movies or other video content on their computers.

But this monitor isn’t for the users who have less budget, require multiple people to view their screen simultaneously, and may not find a 1000R monitor to be the most practical option.

1800R Monitors

A 1800R monitor refers to a curved monitor with a radius of 1800mm, which means that the curvature of the screen is less pronounced than that of a 1000R monitor. The “R” in both cases stands for “radius,” which refers to the distance from the center of the screen to the outer edge.

In general, 1800R monitors are slightly less curved than 1000R monitors, which can result in a less immersive viewing experience but may also be more comfortable and easier to adjust to for some users. They may also be less expensive than 1000R monitors, as they are less complex to manufacture.

Advantages and Disadvantages  

Advantages of 1800R monitor

  • Reduced eye strain: Like the 1000R monitor, a 1800R monitor provides a natural viewing angle and reduces the need to move your head or eyes to see different screen parts.
  • Enhanced visual quality: The monitor’s curvature can help minimize distortion and improve color accuracy across the entire screen.
  • Wider viewing angles: 1800R monitors offer wider viewing angles than 1000R monitors, making it easier for multiple people to view the screen simultaneously.

Disadvantages of 1800R monitor

  • Limited compatibility: Some users may find that the curvature of the 1800R monitor is different from their workstation or setup, as it may take up more desk space than a flat monitor.
  • Learning curve: Like with any new technology, some users may need to adjust to the curved design, which can take some time to get used to.

Ideal Users of 1800R monitor

Although the 1800R has a bit lesser curvature radius than the 1000R, it’s for a variety of users, including those interested in immersive gaming experiences, graphic designers, and video editors. But you must sit a bit far (about 1.5 meters) to work perfectly on this monitor. This makes it ideal for working in a team or multiple users working on the same monitor. 

3800R Monitors

A 3800R monitor is a curved monitor with a radius of 3800mm. Compared to a 1000R and 1800R monitor, a 3800R monitor has a more gentle curve, which means it is less curved than the other two. 

Advantages and Disadvantages  

Advantages of 3800R monitors

  • More natural viewing angle: The monitor’s curve can help provide a more natural viewing angle, reducing eye strain and improving overall comfort.
  • Wider viewing angle: Compared to a 1000R or 1800R monitor, a 3800R monitor may have a wider viewing angle, making it easier for multiple people to view the screen simultaneously.
  • Less visual distortion: The gentle curve of the monitor may result in less visual distortion or warping at the edges of the screen.

Disadvantages of 3800R monitors

  • Limited immersion: Compared to a 1000R or 1800R monitor, a 3800R monitor may provide a less immersive viewing experience.
  • Limited compatibility: Some users may find that certain games or applications are not optimized for a 3800R monitor.
  • Limited availability: 3800R monitors are less common than 1000R or 1800R monitors, which may limit options for users interested in this type of monitor.

Ideal Users

Ideal users of a 3800R monitor may include those who value a more natural viewing angle and improved comfort but do not require the extreme curvature of a 1000R or 1800R monitor. They may also be a good choice for those who want to avoid visual distortion at the edges of the screen while still enjoying the benefits of a curved monitor.


This article explores the types of curved monitors, including 1000R, 1800R, and 3800R monitors, along with the pros and cons of each type and the ideal users for each type of monitor. In general, curved monitors can offer an immersive viewing experience, reduce eye strain, and provide better visual quality. 

On the other hand, they can also be more expensive and have limited viewing angles. 1000R monitors are the most curved, while 1800R monitors strike a balance between curve and affordability, and 3800R monitors have a more subtle curve that can be ideal for productivity or multitasking.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between 1000R, 1800R, and 3800R curve monitors?

The numbers represent the radius of the monitor’s curvature measured in millimeters. A 1000R curve is the most aggressive curve and provides the most immersive experience, while a 3800R curve is the most relaxed and less immersive. A 1800R curve is somewhere in between the two.

Why should you consider the curve of a monitor when choosing one?

The curve of a monitor can affect the viewing experience by providing a more immersive feel, reducing eye strain, and improving the viewing angle. The curve can also help to create a more uniform viewing experience, as the curve helps to reduce the distance between the eyes and the screen.

What is ideal sitting distance from a curved screen?

As for the curved screen, you should sit very close to the screen to take advantage of the maximum effect. But for a non-ultrawide or 16:9 curved monitor under 30 inches, just bring whatever makes you comfortable.

For 1500R, 1800R, 1900R, 2300R, and 3800R ultra-wide monitors over 30 inches, it’s best to sit about two to four feet away from the screen for the best experience. The sharper the curve, the closer you need to be if you want a truly immersive experience,  especially for gaming.

Is a 1000R curved monitor better than a 3800R curve monitor?

It depends on personal preference. A 1000R curve is more aggressive and provides a more immersive experience, but it may not be suitable for everyone. A 3800R curve is more relaxed and less immersive, but it may be more suitable for those who need to use the monitor for extended periods of time.

Is a curved monitor better for gaming?

A curved monitor can enhance the gaming experience by providing a more immersive experience and reducing eye strain, but it is not necessarily better for gaming. Some gamers may prefer a flat monitor for its more traditional look, while others may prefer a curved monitor for its immersive experience.

Are 1000R, 1800R, and 3800R curve monitors compatible with all types of devices?

Most modern monitors are compatible with a wide range of devices, including laptops, desktops, and even smartphones. However, it is important to check the compatibility of the monitor with your device before making a purchase.

Abdullah Sarfraz
Myself Abdullah Sarfraz and I am an SEO. My hobby is reviewing the latest tech-related products. For the past few years, I am working on amazon affiliated sites therefore, I came to know my interest and chose this field, now I have good experience in it.